
Healthy Kids Need Play!

Healthy Kids Need Play!

Every adult wants the kids in their lives to be healthy. One of the things that make healthy kids? Play!

A report published by the American Academy of Pediatrics in late summer outlined not only the need for play in healthy child development but also ways that pediatricians can encourage play in their patients. Benefits from play include encouraging language and creative thinking, increase in social skills (like paying attention, solving disputes and focusing on tasks), problem-solving skills and collaboration.

Play not only is a health benefit for kids, but also for adults! Play can bring the joy of adults’ own childhood experiences back, help them see the world from a child’s perspective and encourage better communication between adult and child. It can also increase adult-child relationships and even reduce parental stress! Plus, it’s fun!

The Children’s Museums of Wisconsin (did you know there are 14 in the state!) completely agree with the American Academy of Pediatrics, there is monumental importance in play. So why not make time for a playdate – doctors orders!


Check out the complete AAP article, The Power of Play: A Pediatric Role in Enhancing Development in Young Children


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