Doug and Erin Mielke

Doug and Erin Mielke


Doug and Erin Mielke’s Building for Kids story is one of family tradition.

From the beginning, their family was involved in different ways at the museum. Doug’s parents, Dr. John and Sally Mielke were avid supporters of early childhood education as well as the children’s museum. Their support is showcased in the BFK’s iconic A-Maze-ing Heart Slide, which Dr. John Mielke created in partnership with a local artist. As a cardiologist himself, Doug’s favorite memories from the early years of the museum include listening to his dad talk about the creation of the Heart Slide and then watching his children slide down and enjoy the exhibit that his dad had helped build. Doug and Erin came often with their kids when they were young and now look forward to coming back with their grandchildren when they visit Wisconsin.

Doug and Erin Mielke have inherited his parent’s love and passion for early childhood education, our community, and the Building for Kids. They recognize that children start developing at a very young age and their minds act like a sponge, ready to soak up everything that they are introduced to. This is why they believe that the BFK plays such a critical role in our community. “The Children’s Museum is a tool that young children use to learn, explore, and investigate the world around them, while also practicing good social skills to help better prepare them for the future,” says Doug.

Doug and Erin are founding members of the Dr. John and Sally Mielke Bold Hearts Legacy Circle. They have chosen to give to the Building for Kids because they believe their gift will have a lasting impact. They want to continue to support his parents’ vision of Appleton as a community that truly supports the young children that live here and inspire others to support that vision as well.

Do you want to leave a legacy that will impact kids and their adults for generations to come? Join the Bold Hearts Legacy Circle.

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